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Karla Sánchez Zepeda
FEEDER Library - Deirdre O'Mahony

We are delighted to host the wonderful library of FEEDER, part of the research-based installation about landscape, farming, food production and the sustainable use of natural resources that Irish artist Deirdre O’Mahony created in 2022 at the RHA Gallery in Dublin in response to the exhibition "A Growing Enquiry."

A feeding trough reminds us of the practical nature of farming and creates a metaphor on how the books, texts and pamphlets on food, land, art, landscape, nature, philosophy, and ecology fuel both our bodies and imaginations.

In this rendition of FEEDER, the trough contains various man-made and natural objects particular to this farm, gathered over the years by the family. It aims to give a taste of the history of this specific land and the humans and other living things that inhabit it.

There are limited A1 posters available for the public to take home. Such posters include selected quotes on the themes of landscape, farming, food production and the sustainable use of natural resources, all extracted from books and publications which are part of this library.

The library includes 200 plus publications, from the revered "The Farming Ladder" by George Henderson, Simon Schama's "Landscape & Memory" or "Entangled Life" by Merlin Sheldrake amongst many other, to several volumnes on history, politics of food, art and ecology, etc., and pamphlets from art exhibitions, including some by Marc Fischer, Orla Barry, Deirdre O'Mahony and other artists. (Full list at the bottom of this post.)

The FEEDER library is open for on-site consultation to artists, researchers, and the general public by appointment only.

We will also make available Blackbird's selection of books relevant to these subjects.

We are most grateful to artist Deirdre O'Mahony for trusting us with this treasure and are looking forward to welcoming all who are interested.

Deirdre O’Mahony is a visual artist whose practice is informed by a deep interest in rural sustainability, farming, food security and rural/urban relationships. For more than two decades she has investigated the political ecology of rural places through public engagement, archival and moving image installation, critical writing and cultural production. Exhibitions and projects in 2021 include Little did they know, EVA Biennale Guest Programme curated by Merve Elvern, Cooking Channel: Critical Recipes for PhotoIreland 2021, Sustainment Experiments: The PLOT at VISUAL Carlow, and a publication, BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE, with ACA Public. Other projects include X-PO, a former rural post-office in the west of Ireland revived as a social space that has since been recognised as an exceptional socially engaged artwork and SPUD 2009 – 2019, developed through collaborative public events to facilitate discourse on agricultural issues and tacit knowledge. SPUD included The Persistent Return, a moving image installation at VISUAL Carlow that toured to the European Capital of Culture Leeuwarden (2018). Recent awards include Visual Arts Bursary (2021) Arts Council of Ireland, Fire Station Artist Studios’ Sculpture Award (2021), the Kilkenny Arts Office Residency Award at Centre Culturel Irlandais (2020), the Irish American Cultural Institute O’Malley Award (2018), the Wellcome Trust Livestock residency at the Museum of English Rural Life (2017) and an international Pollock-Krasner Award (1995). She has been selected for residencies at Centre Culturel Irlandais, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Leitrim Sculpture Centre, Museum of English Rural Life, UK, and Askeaton Contemporary Arts. Academic qualifications include a BA (Fine Art) St Martins School of Art, London (1979), MRes. Crawford College Cork, CIT, (2005) and PhD from the University of Brighton (2012).

FEEDER - List of Books _Please note that some books -they appear with a blank space before the name- are not available, as the artist is currently using them for research,thank you. _

(Unknown)	(Card) Robert Mapplethorpe – Black and White Photographs 1971-1975		
Aalen, F.H.A. 7 M. Stout	Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape	Cork UP 	1997
Andrews, Max (Ed.)	Land Art – A Cultural Ecology Handbook	(Broadsheet) Archive journal (9)		
Arensberg, Conrad, and Solon Kimball	Family and Community in Ireland	Clasp Press 	2002
Arkhipov, Vladimir	Functioning Forms Ireland	Clare County Arts	2007
Askeaton Contemporary Arts	(Booklet) ACA Public (Summer 2016)		
Asselin, Mathieu	(Broadsheet) Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation		
Asselin, Mathieu	Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation	Actes Sud	2017
Barber, Dan, 	The Third Plate; Field Notes on the Future of Food	Abacus	2014
Barbican Art Gallery	Radical Nature Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet	Koening Books 	2009
Barry, Orla	Shaved Rapunzel, Scherezade…	Artist Pub. 	2019
_Berardi, Franco Biffo	And: Phenomenology of the End	Semiotext (E)/ Foreign Agents	2015_
Berger & Vasseur eds., 	Arcadia Revisited		1997
Berry, Wendell	Bring It to the Table	Counterpoint	2009
_Bevis, John	Aaaaw to Zzzzd:the Words of Birds- North America, Britain, and Northern Europe 	MIT Press	_
Blanc, Natalie & Benish, B. 	Form, Art and the Environment	Routledge	2017
_Bloom, Brett	Break Down Workbook #1 - Questions for Evaluating Art that concerns Itself with Ecology	Breakdown Press	2016_
Bloom, Brett	Sonic Meditations	Half Letter Press	2016
Bloom, Brett	Sonic Meditation: Listening to the Ending of Fossil-Fuel-Based-Civilzation	Half Letter Press	2020
Bloom, Brett	Stories from the Petroleum Time-Spce Continuum: Two Ponds	Half Letter Press	2020
Bloomers	Bloomers Magazine Issue 7 – Ring Out Wild Bells		
Boeschenstein N, Garrett-Davis J, Saxton R & Stoltz K (Eds.)	An Equine Anthology (02)		
_Bonami, F., et al, 	Universal Experience: Art, Life and the Tourist's Eye	MCA Chicago	2005_
Borodale, Sean	Inmates	Cape Poetry	2020	Break Down – Questions for evaluating art that concerns itself with ecology (Workbook 1)		
Burnett, Elizabeth-Jane	The Grassling	Penguin	2019
Butler, Hubert	The Appleman and the Poet	Liliput Press	2014
Callan Workhouse Union	(Pamphlet) Workhouse Guild		
_Cameron, John	The Gaelic Names of Plants	Alpha Editions	2019_
_Carlow VM & ISU (Eds.)	Ruralism: the Future of Villages and Small Towns in an Urbanizing World	Jovis 	2017_
Centre for Genomic Gastronomy	FoodPhreaking – What is In Vitro Meat? (02)		
Centre for Genomic Gastronomy	Foof Phreaking (01)		
Centre for Land Use Interpretation 	Overlook	Metropolis Books	2006
Collins T & Goto Reiko	Deep Mapping Lough Boora Sculpture Park		
Collins Tim & Goto Reiko	Plain Air The Breath of Trees	Artist Pub. 	2019
_Collins, James F. 	Quickening the Earth: Soil Mining and Mending in Ireland	UCD Sch. Biology 	2008_
Connolly, Carol Anne	An Sanasán Uisce/ The Water Glossary	Tulca 	2015
Cooking Sections	The Empire Remains Shop	Columbia U.P.	2018
Corcoran, Deborah	Positioning	Artist Book	2021
Cosgrave D. & Daniels S. eds. 	The Iconography of Landscape	Cambridge U. P. 1988	
Coulthard, Glen Sean 	Red Skin, White Masks	Minnesota University Press	
Coulthard, Sally	A Short History of the World According to Sheep	Head of Zeus	2020
Crouch D & Lübbren N (Eds.)	Visual Culture and Tourism		
_Crowley, Ethel	Your Place or Mine? Community and Belonging in 21C Ireland	Orpen Press	2013_
Crowley, Ethel	Land Matters: Power Struggles in Rural Ireland	Lilliput Press	2016
_Curtis, Tom & Paul Whelan	The Wild Food Plants of Ireland	Dept Ag./ Orla Kelly	
_Daly, W. Horrigan, M & Lynch, S. 	ACA Public	A.C.A. Public	2016_
_Dark Mountain	Issue 12: Sanctum	The Dark Mountain Project	2017_
_Dark Mountain	Issue 13	The Dark Mountain Project	2018__
Dean T & Millar J	Artworks – Place		
Delfina Foundation 	Politics of Food	Sternberg Press	2019
Demos, T.J. 	Decolonising Nature	M.I.T.	2016
_Demos, T.J. 	Against the Anthropocene Visual Culture and Environment Today	Sternberg Press	2017_
Dorrian, Mark and Gillian Rose	Deterritotialisations … Revisioning Landscapes and Politics	Black Dog Publishing	2003
Doyle, Patrick	Civilising Rural Ireland	Manchester U.P. 	2020
Dublin Shell to Sea	Liquid Assets	Ireland's Oil and Gas Resources…	
Elveren, Merve (Ed.)	Little Did They Know		
European Commission	Soil Atlas Of Europe		
Ewilson Foster, John (Ed.)	Nature in Ireland		
Fagen, Graham	Botanica	Grizedale Books	2002
Farle, Rebecca	Feeding the People: The Politics of the Potato	Cambridge U. P.	(Pamphlet) Feast 2023 – Edible Blossoms & Flowers (incl. Loose leaflets)		
Federichi, Sylvia	Caliban and the Witch	Autonomedia	2014
Feenstra, Wapke	Images of Farming	Ja Sam 	2011
Fischer, Marc	The Meal-Based Artist Residency Program	Half Letter Press	
Fisher, M.F. K. 	How to Cook a Wolf	Daunt Books 	2020 (1942)
Fitzgerald, Laura	The Restless Bogman	Crawford Gallery	2021
Fitzpatrick, E. and J. Kelly	Food and Drink in Ireland	RIA 	2016
Flanagan, Tom and Mega Morely	Aughty	Artist Pub. 	2014
Flannery, Tim	Atmosphere of Hope		
Forbes, Kevin	Allotment Gardening		
_Fortune, Bonnie and Brett Bloom	Deep Map: Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberf 2019-2128	Half Letter Press	_
Franceschini A & Tucker D	Farm Together Now		
Genomic Gastronomy	To Die For		
Glissant, Édouard	Poetic Intention		
Grant S & Spray R	(Booklet) From Gardens Where We Feel Secure		
Grant, Bill & Paul Harris	The Grizedale Experience	Cannongate Press	1991
Grizedale Arts	Adding Completxity to Confusion	Grizedale Arts	
_Guatarri & Rolnik	Molecular Revolution in Brazil	Semiotext (E)	2008
Guatarri, Felix	The Three Ecologies	Athlone	2000_
_Guatarri, Felix	Soft Subversions	Semiotext (E)	2009_
Handwerker M, Garrett-Davis J, Sauter C & Saxton R (Eds.)	Future Rural Archive		
Hanwerker M & Saxton R (Eds.)	Country Hits		
Haraway, Donna	When Species Meet	Minnesota University Press	2008
Hesser, Amanda	Eat, Memory	WW Norton 	2009
_Hildeyard, Daisy	The Second Body	Fitzcarraldo Editions	_
Hine D & Wheeler S (Eds.)	Dark Mountain (12)		
Hooks, Bell	Belonging: A Culture of Place	Taylor & Francis 	2008
Horrigan, Michele	(Booklet) Stigma Damages		
_Horrigan, Michele	Undercover: A Dialect	A.C.A. Public	_
Horrigan, Michele (Curator)	(Booklet) Undercover – A Dialect		
Hussey, Mark	(Booklet) 'I'd Make It Penal', the Rural Preservation Movement in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts	
Hutchinson, John	Countercultures, Communities and Indra's Net	A.C.A. Public	
ICOMAS	Other Stories: Cultural Heritage and Society	ICOMAS	
J.B. Jackson	Discovering the Vernacular Landscape	Yale U.P.	1986
J.B. Jackson	A Sense of Place, a Sense of Time	Yale U.P.	1996
Jackson, Wes & Berry, Wendell	New Roots for Agriculture (Farming and Ranching) 	Bison 	1985
Jane	(Card) Dermot Blount 3rd March 2021		
Jones, Tom	In Between: The Diary of a Farmer and Citizen	Tom Jones	2019
Kadan Khomenko, Belorusets	In the Face of War – Ukraine 2022		
Kaminska, Kasia et al	(Booklet) Fialí Fiáin Bhaile Munna / Wild Weeds of Ballymun		
_Kasia Kamiska	Fiailí Fiáin Bhaile Munna	Artist Pub. 	2022_
Kastner, J & Wallis, B	Land and Environmental Art	Phaidon 	2010
Kearney, Brenda	(Pamphlet)		
Kelly, Fergus	Early Irish Farming		
_Kennedy, Gareth	Post Colony groundworks: Environmental Collaboration in Contemporary Art	Artist Pub. 	2016_
Keogh, Ryamond	Cattleman	Sommerville Press	2012
_Kester, Grant et al	Contemporary Art	Carnegie Mellon	2005_
Kimmerer, Robin Wall	Braiding Sweet Grass	Penguin 	2020
Klein & Watson eds.,	The Handbook of Foord and Antropology	Bloomsbury	2019
Kolbert, Elizabeth	Under a White Sky	Bodly Head	
Kolowratnik, Nina Valerie	The Language of Secret Proof		
Kolowratnik, Nina Valerie	Language of Secret Proof	Sternberg Press		
König, Annabel	Memory Map (3)Artist Pub. 	2019
Kristensen, B. & Noer	Grasslands	Public Art Catalogue	2020
Lang, James	Notes of a Potato Watcher		
Larson & Johnson	Being Together in Place: Indigenous Coexistence in a More than Human World	U Minnesota Press	2017
_Latour, Bruno	Down to Earth Politics in the New Climatic Regime	Polity Press	_		
LeGuin Ursula K. 	The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction	Ignota Books 	2019
Lennihan, Eddie	Meeting the Other Crowd	Gill 	2003	(Broadsheet) Life & Thyme Post (9)		
_Lippard, Lucy R.	On the Beaten Track, Tourism, Art and Place	The New Press	1999_
Lippard, Lucy R.	Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics and Art in the Changing West	The New Press	2014
_Lippard, Lucy R. 	Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural America	The New Press	1990_
Lippard, Lucy R. 	Lure of the Local	The New Press	1997
Logan. William Bryant	Dirt The Elastic Skin of the Earth	W.W. Norton	
_Lozano, Catalina	The Cure	A.C.A. Public	2018_
Lynch, Sean	Retrieval Unit	LCGA 	2007
Lynch, Sean	Bandits Live Comfortably in the Ruins	Flat Time House	2015
Lynch, Sean & Fitzgerald, Tom	For the Birds	VISUAL Carlow	2005	
Mabey, Richard	Plants with a Purpose	Collins 	1977
MacCannell, Dean	The Tourist	New York: Schocken Books	1976
_MacFarlane, Robert	Ynderland	Hamish Hamilton	2019_
_MacNeill, Máire	The Festival of Lughnasa	Comhair Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD_
_Maleney, Ian	Minor Monument Essays	Tramp Press	2019_
Malplas, J.E. 	Place and Experience	Cambridge U. P. 	1999
Malplas, J.E. ed.,	The Intelligence of Place, Topographies and Poetics	Bloomsbury Press	2015
Marder, Michael	Plant Thinking: a Philosophy of Vegetal Life	Columbia U.P. 	2013
Marshall, Lydie	A Passion For Potatoes		
Maters, N. 	For the Love of Soil	Printable Reality	2019
Mayo County Council, Vaughan J, Woods M et al.	Clare Island / This time, this place		
McCaman, Jay L	When Weeds Talk		
McCartney, Gregory (Curator)	Nothing to Look Forward to but the Past		
McCaughan, Michael	The Price of our Souls: Gas Shell and Ireland 	Afri 	2008
MCDonagh, Varley, Shortall	A Living Countryside? The Politics of Sustainability in Rural Ireland	Ashgate Press	2009
McIntosh, Alastair	Soil and Soul People Versus Corporate Power	Aurum Press	2001
McKinney, Maria & Dovea Genetics	(Pamphlet) shaping the cow of the future		
Mitchell, Frank	Reading the Irish Landscape	Country House 	1999
Mitchell, William J.T. 	Landscape and Power	University of Chicago Press	2002
Molloy, Nollaig	A Confection of Photographs		
_Moloney, Michael F. 	Irish ethno-botany and the evolution of medicine in Ireland	Alpha Editions 	2019/1919_
Murcott, Blasco, Jackoson eds.,	The Handbook of Food Research 	Perlego 	2013
Nabhan, Gary Paul	Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine	Island Press	
Nally, David P.	Human Encumberences Political Violence and the Great Irish Famine	Cambridge U. P. 	2011
Nixon, Rob. 	Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor	Harvard U.P	2013
Norbury, Katherine	The Fish Ladder: A Journey Upstream	Bloomsbury Press	2015
Norbury, Katherine, ed. 	Women on Nature		
O'Ceirin, Cyril & Kit	Wild and Free	O'Brien Press/Wolf Hill Pubn. 	1978/2013
O'Connor, Miriam	Tomorrow is Sunday	PhotoIreland	2017
O'Fathartigh, Michael	Developing Rural Ireland: A History of the Irish Agricultural Advisory Services	Worldwell	2021
O'Mahony, Deirdre	SPUD	Artist Pub. 	2019
O'Mahony, Deirdre	Between a Rock and a Hard Place	A.C.A. Public	2020
_O'Mahony, Deirdre	Abandoned Clare	Abridged 2011	_
_O'Mahony, Deirdre	Local Ground	Siamsa Tíre	2008_
O'Mahony, Deirdre (Producer)	(Pamphlet) SPUD (2)		
O'Mahony, Deirdre & Sadhbh Gaston	Cerere	Teagasc	2018
O'Shea, Kate	(Broadsheet) Gravity Express (1)		
Ohlson, Kristin	The Soil will Save Us	Rodale	2014
Oppenheimer Dean Andrea & Hursley Timothy	Architecture of Decency	Princeton Architectural Press	
Orlow, Uriel	Conversing with Leaves	Archive Books	2020
_Paper Visual Art	Issue 13 FARMING	PVA	2021_
Parikka, Jussi	The Contemporary Condition		
Pascoe, Bruce	Dark Emu		
Perry, Colin (Ed.)	Art and the Rural Imagination		
Pinker, Steven	Enlightenment Now		
Pollan, Michael	The Botany of Desire	Blomsbury Press	2003
Pollan, Michael	This is Your Mind On Plants	Allen Lane 	2014
Pollan, Michael	Cooked	Allen Lane 	2013
Powers, Richard	The Overstory		
Puig Dela Bellacasa, Maria	Matters of Care	Minnesota University Press	2017
Rage, Raju et al. 	Recipes for Resistance	ORT Gallery 	2020
Rebanks, James	The Shepard's Life	Allen Lane	2015
Robertson E & Smith T (Eds.)	Dark Mountain (13)		
Robinson, Mary	Climate Justice		
Robinson, Tim	The View From The Horizon		
Robinson, Tim	Stones of Aran: Pilgramage	Penguin	1990
Ryan, Liz	Under Starry Skies		
Sacramento, Nuno et al. 	Slow Protoype	Scottish Sculpture Workshop	
Saladino, Dan	Eating to Extinction	Jonathan Cape	2021
Salaman, Radcliffe	The History and Social Influence of the Potato	Cambridge U. P. 	1948/1985
_Sanchez, Christine	Silva Silviculture	Foret/Dept Agriculture	_
_Saxton R, 	An Equine Anthology	Jap Sam Books	_
_Saxton Richard ed.	A Decade of Coutry Hits	Jap Sam Books	_
_Saxton Richard, Margo Handwerker, Josh Garret-Davis, Chris Sauter	Future Rural Archive	Jap Sam Books	_
Schama, Simon	Landscape and Memory	Fontana Press	1997
Scott & Swenson	Critical Landscapes. Art, Space Politics	California U.P. 	
Scott, James C. 	Against the Grain	Yale U.P.	2017
_Scott, James C. 	Two Cheers for Anarchism	Princeton 	2012_	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (10)	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (11)	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (7)	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (9)	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (Autumn 2013)	(Broadsheet) Seed Broadcast (Spring 2014)		
Shedrake, Merlin	Entangled Life	The Bodley Head	2020
Shiel, Michael	The Quiet Revolution: the Electrification of Rural Ireland	O'Brien Press	2003
Siggins, Lorna	Once Upon a Time in the West	Transworld Ireland	2010
Simard, Suzanne	Finding the Mother Tree	Allen Lane	2021
Sloper, Kate	Post Growth Living for an Alternative Hedonism	Verso 	2020
Sloterdijk, Peter	The Art of Philosophy		
Sloterdijk, Peter	You Must Change your Life	Polity Press	2013
Sonjasdotter, Asa	Peace with the Earth Tracing Agricultural Memory	Archive Books	
Soyer, Alexis	The Chef At War		
Stead, Adam	Bovine The Dairy Lexicon	Arist Book 	2017
Stringer, Ben ed. 	Rurality Reimagined	ORO Editions 	2018
Stuart Hyatt Studio	Brush Master – Deeply Rooted		
Symons	Meals Matter, a Radical Economy through Gastronomy	Columbia U.P.	2020
Tate Britain	Turner Prize 18		
Teagasc	Irish Dairying: Delivering Sustainability	Teagasc	2021
_The Centre for Genomic Gastronomy 	Food Phreaking, Issue 1	Artist Pub. _	
_The Centre for Genomic Gastronomy 	Food Phreaking, Issue 2	Artist Pub. 	_
Tsing, Anna	The Mushroom at the End of the World	Princeton University Press	2018
Tsing, et al, eds. 	Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet	Minnesota University Press	2017
Tufnell, Ben	In Land Writings around Land Art and its Legacies	Zero Books 	2019
Van Horn, Erica	(Booklet) Living Locally (31)		
Van Horn, Erica	(Booklet) Some words for living locally (295/300)		
Van Horn, Erika	Living Locally	Coracle Press	2019
Verge Management Group	(Broadsheet) Verge (February 2010 – 2 copies)		
Viney, Michael	Natural History	Smithsonian 	2003
Viney, Michael 	Ireland		
_Walsh, Eimear	The Land of the People	National Sculpture Factory	2021_
Wampole, Christy 	Rootedness the ramifications of a metaphor	University of Chicago Press	
_Watchorn, Katie and Marian Balfe	Balehome, Balehome	Artist Pub. 	2018_
_White, Courtney	Grass, Soil, Hope	Chelsea Green Pub. 	2014_
Williams,  Raymond	The Country and the City	Chatto 	1975/83
Wilson, Alan	The People's Potatoes		
_Wiskerke & Verhoevan	Flourishing Foodscapes: Designing City-Region Food Systems	Valiz 	2018_
Woods, Fiona, ed. 	Groud UP: Reconsidering Contemporary Art in Rural Contexts	Clare County Arts 	2008
Woolf, Virgina	(Booklet) A Cockney Farmer's Experiences		
Yang, Kirkham, Lal & Huber	Global Soil Proverbs: Cultural Language of the Soil	CateA1:C167na-Schweizerbart	2018
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