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Karla Sánchez Zepeda
Janice Li - Spring Research Residency Part 2

Janice Li, our Spring Research Resident, was amazed to discover the many treasures and talents that Wexford and Ireland have to offer.

We packed her schedule with visits to Ceodogán Rugs, Emblem Weavers, the Blue Egg Gallery, Cushendale Woolen Mills, aside from studio visits with various established and emerging Wexford-based artists.


Ceodogán Rugs


Emblem Weavers


Emblem Weavers




Studio visit with (

We were even fortunate enough to attend a guided tour of the exhibition currently on display at Wexford County Council: "Making and Momentum" curated by Richard Malone.


Making and Momentum at Wexford County Council

And had a wonderful time attending the event open to the public that Blackbird Cultur-Lab hosted for the Leeward artists.


Janice conversing about weaving with artist Marta Romani


Animated conversation with curator Catherine Bowe

This two-week research residency has enrichened us, Janice, and everyone we had the opportunity to meet along the way. Her interactions with all the people she met in Ireland in this short time will never be forgotten, it was exactly the kind of exchange that Oisin and I were hoping to foster by offering a residency at our farm.


Duncannon Beach

Janice will now take her position as the new temporary exhibitions' curator of the Wellcome Collection in London. We wish her the very best and know she will put to good use everything she learned while she was in Ireland, we hope to be able to do the same with all the knowledge and lovely experiences she generously shared with us.

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