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Karla Sánchez Zepeda
The Space we have

Our farmhouse was designed from scratch with the idea of hosting various types of experimental and cultural events; aside from being our private home.

We took inspiration in vernacular Irish architecture and combined that with the heritage from Mexico that Karla brings along.

We worked on the project for several years, first Oisin and Karla alone and then they hired architect Eugene Kavanagh to work with them.

There is a large multi-functional space on the ground level that can be used for various activities: from conferences to concerts, dance classes, visual arts and gardening workshops, etc.

The acustics of this room are, we have been told by professional musicians and composers, fantastic.

On the front facade of the house we designed a natural mini-amphiteathre.

There are three grass levels that can potentially accomodate a sitting audience.

The sound bounces off the walls of the building and gets back to whomever is sitting on the grass.


There is also another multi-purpose area on the top level that can serve well for more intimate events, as the sound here bounces off everywhere and it can get very noisy.

The only issue with this space though is that it cannot accomodate people with different mobility skills.

We are hoping to install an elevator at a future stage to solve this.


The farmhouse is situated in the middle of a working field, and beyond that there are various fields populated by trees, and the river.

The farm is currently transtitioning to Regenerative Agriculture practices and will also be neighbour of a solar farm.

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